

Garland, Texas, July 10, 2023- 基于德克萨斯的Garrett金属探测器今天宣布,其标准制造商对金属检测产品的保修已将其延长至三年(36个月),实际上立即将其延长到三年(36个月)。

The company further detailed that the three-year warranty covers ground-search, hand-held, and walk-through metal detectors, pinpointers, and searchcoils from its Sport, Security, and Countermine product divisions. This warranty is retroactive to all Garrett detector products sold in the past, but does not apply to accessory items.

加勒特首席执行官史蒂夫·诺瓦科维奇(Steve Novakovich)说:“加勒特的现有客户知道我们的产品是在美国生产的,其质量最高。我们的保修政策的这种变化是对我们已经出售的产品的追溯性,旨在向未来的客户发出信号我们在设计和建造既坚固又可靠的产品方面有多棒。当您拥有最佳行业质量和客户服务时,为什么不炫耀它?”


About Garrett Metal Detectors

由电气工程师查尔斯·加勒特(Charles Garrett)和第五代教育家埃莉诺·史密斯·加勒特(Eleanor Smith Garrett)共同创建的Garrett Metal Detectors是全球安全,体育和柜台应用程序的高级金属检测产品的全球领导者。bob最新版下载地址Bob竞技游戏下载Garrett是国际标准组织(ISO)9001:2015认证公司。

相关链接:Security Warranty Registration

加勒特Detectors Installed in Laredo School District

Garland, Texas (March 03, 2023)-Texas-based Garrett金属探测器宣布托托ay that its Multi Zone walk-through metal detector has been introduced to 31 schools in the Laredo Independent School District. These machines have been added to all elementary, middle, and high school campuses as part of LISD’s proactive approach to school security.

Laredo ISD健康与安全执行董事Oscar Perez说:“我们的学生是我们父母中最宝贵的商品和珠宝,因此我们必须采取积极的态度来确保他们的安全和保障。”“我们正在采取行动,因此代表我们学区的投资大量投资,不仅要购买设备,而且还进行了培训。”

加勒特’s Multi Zone has found wide acceptance in the world of K-12 security as a product that was designed specifically for schools as a cost-effective solution for the diverse security needs of school environments. The Multi Zone can be programmed to detect not only guns and similar threat objects, but also the knives and vape pens that some other mass screening technologies with low detection capabilities fail to find. Garrett recommends thorough testing to fully evaluate the claims of competing technologies.

“一些较新的技术声称使用人工智能检测武器。我认为错过刀具,拆卸武器和小型手枪并不聪明。”加勒特首席执行官史蒂夫·诺瓦科维奇(Steve Novakovich)说。“加勒特(Garrett)经过验证的技术多年来一直在保护学校,我们解决了在K-12环境中有效筛选的成本和运营挑战。这种智力是真实的,不是人为的。我们为佩雷斯先生和拉雷多独立学区的作业表示赞赏,并选择了加勒特高效的安全技术。使用加勒特(Garrett),您将有真正的最后防御能力来确保您的学校!”

About Garrett Metal Detectors

加勒特金属探测器由电气工程师查尔斯·加勒特(Charles Garrett)和第四代教育家埃莉诺·史密斯·加勒特(Eleanor Smith Garrett)共同创立,是全球安全和执法应用程序金属检测产品的全球领导者。近60年来,Garrett设计了最先进的金属检测产品,包括安全行业的演练,手持式和地面搜索金属探测器。Garrett是国际标准组织(ISO)9001:2015认证公司。


School Security | Garrett Metal Detectors


德克萨斯州加兰(2022年7月26日)- 基于德克萨斯的Garrett金属探测器今天宣布发布新的高性能脉冲感应金金属探测器Garrett公理

“发布公理is significant for anyone interested in gold prospecting,” says Steve Moore, Director of Marketing for the company. “公理is the most powerful gold detector Garrett has ever designed, and it is packed with technology to help users easily overcome the difficult soil conditions where gold nuggets are traditional discovered.”


加勒特(Garrett)首席执行官史蒂夫·诺瓦科维奇(Steve Novakovich)在今天上午的现场产品公告中说:“加勒特(Garrett)致力于长期进入黄金勘探市场。”诺瓦科维奇(Novakovich)引用了加勒特(Garrett)去年的发行Goldmaster 24k高频VLF勘探探测器是该公司重点重点的进一步证据。


About Garrett Metal Detectors

加勒特金属探测器由电气工程师查尔斯·加勒特(Charles Garrett)和第四代教育家埃莉诺·史密斯·加勒特(Eleanor Smith Garrett)共同创立,是全球安全和执法应用程序金属检测产品的全球领导者。近六十年来,加勒特(Garrett)设计了最先进的金属探测产品,包括安全行业的演练,手持和地面搜索金属探测器。Garrett是国际标准组织(ISO)9001:2015认证公司。



March 2, 2022

加勒特Response to Gizmodo Hacking Article

Garland, Texas (December 30, 2021)—Texas-based Garrett Metal Detectors today issued an official response to an online periodical which recently released an article regarding security products.

On December 21, 2021, the design, technology, and science website Gizmodo published an article by Lucas Ropek entitled “Walk-Through Metal Detectors Can Be Hacked, New Research Finds”. A subtitle added “Garrett Metal Detectors, which are used in schools and government buildings, have security vulnerabilities that can be remotely exploited”.


  1. 自1984年以来,加勒特(Garrett)的演练金属探测器一直在保护公众,而没有涉及黑客攻击的事件。
  2. Garrett安装基地不到1%PD 6500iandMZ 6100((多区域)检测器包括网络集成附件(Garrett CMA或IC模块),因此不容易受到报告的漏洞的影响。
  3. Many customers who have purchased these accessories use them for data collection in a manner in which they are not connected to any type of network. These are not vulnerable to hacking.
  4. 那些确实将设备连接到网络的客户通常采用强大的防火墙技术,以将连接的设备与潜在黑客隔离开来。
  5. The WiFi protocols in the wireless versions of the integration accessories use robust data encryption to prevent intrusion into the network.
  6. 唯一具有黑客风险的Garrett检测器是包括网络集成配件并连接到用户未受保护的网络的探测器。
  7. The vulnerabilities identified by Cisco that were mentioned in the article were addressed by a Garrett software update to the CMA and IC Module accessories before Mr. Ropek’s article was published and the effectiveness of those fixes have been certified by Cisco to be effective.
  8. Garrett的CMA和IC模块软件更新目前可用于需要它的客户。请联系Garrett的技术支持security@garrrett.com或致电1 800-234-6151致电Garrett。
  9. The operating systems and software on thePD 6500iandMZ 6100与IC模块隔离,只能通过对硬件的物理访问进行更新。远程固件更新PD 6500iandMZ 6100不支持。

About Garrett Metal Detectors

加勒特金属探测器由电气工程师查尔斯·加勒特(Charles Garrett)和第四代教育家埃莉诺·史密斯·加勒特(Eleanor Smith Garrett)共同创立,是全球安全和执法应用程序金属检测产品的全球领导者。For more than 57 years, Garrett has engineered the most advanced metal detection products, including walk-through, hand-held, and ground search metal detectors for the security industry. Garrett is an International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001:2015 certified company.



Garrett PD-6500I获得ECAC认证

德克萨斯州加兰(2021年9月24日)- 德克萨斯州的加勒特金属探测器今天宣布,其PD-6500I型号型号金属探测器已通过了第三方测试,并已通过认证符合标准2欧洲民航会议(ECAC)的要求。该绩效标准是为欧盟(EU)机场建立的,现在被认为是通过严格的实验室测试程序的安全设备的质量和性能的备受追捧的指标。

Garrett高级产品经理Aaron Arellano说:“ ECAC认证是类似于美国TSA认证的标准,并且已被欧洲以外的国际安全市场采用。”“实现这一欧盟认证进一步验证了Garrett PD-6500I行动金属探测器的技术和复杂能力。”

加勒特’s PD-6500i is a 33-zone security walkthrough that already meets many of the world’s most rigorous certifications, including those of the TSA (US airport standards), STAC (French airport standards), AENA (Spanish airport standards), and CJIAC (Japanese airport standards). The latest ECAC certification was the result of the PD-6500i’s successful completion of the ECAC Common Evaluation Process (CEP), wherein the product demonstrated its consistent, repeatable, and reliable performance against rigorous industry testing procedures.


About Garrett Metal Detectors

加勒特金属探测器, co-founded by electrical engineer Charles Garrett and fourth-generation educator Eleanor Smith Garrett, is the global leader of metal detection products for security and law enforcement applications worldwide. For more than 57 years, Garrett has engineered the most advanced metal detection products, including walk-through, hand-held, and ground-search metal detectors for the security industry. Garrett is an International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001:2015 certified company.






德克萨斯州加兰(2021年7月7日)- 德克萨斯州的加勒特金属探测器今天宣布,其最新的安全步行金属探测器现已可用于订单。新的Garrett多区域被设计为学校和政府建筑的强大但负担得起的安全解决方案,以及用于体育赛事和音乐会的大型公共场所。Bob竞技游戏下载Garrett高级产品经理Aaron Arellano说:“在设计新的多区域检测器时,我们的工程团队实施了关键软件升级以增强检测。”“多区域包括20个检测区域,两个面板上都带有灯条指示器,以及一个小时的电池备用模块,以使检测器在停电时保持功能齐全。”



About Garrett Metal Detectors

加勒特金属探测器, co-founded by geophysical engineer Charles Garrett and fourth generation educator Eleanor Smith Garrett, is the global leader of metal detection products for security and law enforcement applications worldwide. For more than 57 years, Garrett has engineered the most advanced metal detection products, including walk-through, hand-held, and ground search metal detectors for the security industry. Garrett is an International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001:2015 certified company.



加勒特Rolls out SmartScan™ Integrated Health and Safety Screening Solution

德克萨斯州加兰(2021年2月8日)- 一家专门从事安全金属探测器的设计和制造公司Garrett Electronics宣布,它正在运送其流行的新无触摸的订单智能扫描热成像系统。

智能扫描可作为新Garrett PD 6500I或MZ 6100摇摆金属探测器的附加配件,或者可以将其改装为先前安装的Garrett探测器。加勒特首席执行官史蒂夫·诺瓦科维奇(Steve Novakovich)说:“我们很高兴能将这种令人兴奋的能力添加到我们的演练金属探测器产品中。”“对于Garrett金属探测器的客户来说,热筛查从未如此快速且容易。”

加勒特智能扫描技术可以通过金属探测器安全筛选同时进行体温测量。Garrett高级产品经理Aaron Arellano说:“这使您的安全检查站能够使用人工智能成为一个高效,多功能,无接触的门户。”

Among the early users of this new technology is the City of Fort Worth, Texas, which installed new Garrett’s智能扫描walk-through metal detectors at Fort Worth City Hall and the adjacent A. D. Marshall Public Safety Building. In a press release issued December 2, City Marshal Philip J. Swift explained that the智能扫描系统旨在创建“正流”并加快筛查过程,从而使沃思堡建筑物更容易访问和更安全。


About Garrett Metal Detectors

加勒特金属探测器, co-founded by electrical engineer Charles Garrett and fifth-generation educator Eleanor Smith Garrett, is a global leader in the design and manufacture of metal detection products for hobby, security, and law enforcement applications. Garrett Metal Detectors’ headquarters and manufacturing facility is located in Garland Texas. Garrett is an International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001:2015 certified company.



加勒特金属探测器and White's logo


德克萨斯州加兰(Garland),2020年10月16日 /美通社 / - 今天,专门从事体育和安全金属探测器的设计和制造公司Garrett Electronics宣布收购了White电子产品的某些资产。Bob竞技游戏下载

白色的,曾在业务自1950年以来premier manufacturer of metal detection products, announced the suspension of operations on June 18, 2020 in a memo to its dealers. White’s founders, Kenneth and Olive White, built their business the same way Garrett’s founders, Charles and Eleanor Garrett, did, by innovating and committing to producing high quality products in the United States. White’s current principals, Kenneth R. and Mary White, are choosing to fold the White’s legacy in with Garrett Metal Detectors as a way of extending their “Made in the USA” tradition.

加勒特(Garrett)首席执行官史蒂夫·诺瓦科维奇(Steve Novakovich)评论说:“白人家族和加勒特家族(Garrett Family)几十年来互相尊重。Bob竞技游戏下载现在,随着加勒特(Garrett)继续担任美国总理金属探测器公司,我们在加勒特(Garrett)感到自豪地将各自的遗产结合起来。”

The transaction includes White’s trademarks, intellectual property, tooling, and other assets. It does not include White’s real estate in Oregon or Scotland. Garrett intends to rigorously defend all of White’s trademarks, patents, and other IP wherever infringement may occur.

Novakovich continued, “Garrett recognizes that the White’s brand has a loyal following in the US and around the world. We are pleased to welcome those customers to Garrett, and we hope we can earn your future business.”


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Manassas, VA 20110

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About Garrett Metal Detectors

加勒特金属探测器, co-founded by electrical engineer Charles Garrett and fifth-generation educator Eleanor Smith Garrett, is a global leader in the design and manufacture of metal detection products for hobby, security, and law enforcement applications.. Garrett Metal Detectors’ headquarters and manufacturing facility is located in Garland Texas. Garrett is an International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001:2015 certified company.

