February has THREE WINNERS!!!

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My U.S. favorite find for February 2020 is the71st Regiment of Foot Button (from Fraser's Highlanders), found by Craig T. from New Jersey with hisAT Max

Craig’s success story: My friends and I were detecting private property with permission in South Carolina. It had been extremely hard to find anything on the 1000 plus acres of property. There hadn't been any battles or encampments on the property. All we knew was it had been used during Colonial, Revolutionary and Civil War. We were there for only a weekend so time was not on our side. Hardly anything was found on the first day, small things like a few flat buttons, a trigger guard, etc. The second day started just as the first day had, very few signals and very far between. Then late in the morning, my friend called me and said to come check out this area of the woods. He was finding flat buttons. I figured I wasn't finding anything staying where I was so I went over to where he was.

I was only there a few minutes when I got this great signal on myAT Max。我挖了起来,看到这个按钮但不知道what it was. At first I thought I had a colonial button. I saw another of my friends and asked him to come over and look at it. He looked at it and knew what it was and said he's never seen one come out of the ground in such great condition. It was a 71st Regiment of Foot Button (from Fraser's Highlanders). There were 2 Battalions. Later I started showing it off and everyone said it was a bucket list item.

I want to thank you Garrett for building such an awesome machine. My friends use another brand and are always telling me to get one. Now they know what I know, that myAT Maxcan run against any detector on the market. You just have to know your machine and trust it, which I do.

Craig T.WINSanACE 300Metal Detector!
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My second U.S. favorite find for February 2020 is the2 Reale Coin, 1754, found by Emi E. from Indiana with hisAce 200

Emi’s success story: My family was on a trip to Florida so I decided to bring my trusty Ace. I immediately started swinging on the beach. After about 30 minutes, the Ace screamed an 85-86 at 6 inches, right by the water’s edge. I scooped out sand, happily expecting a silver quarter, but the edge I saw was very thin. When I pulled it out, my mind flooded with memories of my hometown in Spain, which I had recently left to come to the US. Tears came to my eyes as I stared at the 1754 Spain Seville 2 Reales coin I had just dug up. Thank you Garrett, from the bottom of my heart for reuniting me with my home.

Emi E.WINSanACE 300Metal Detector!
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My third U.S. favorite find for February 2020 is the1852 $10 Gold Piece, found by Kevin B. from California with hisAT Max

Kevin’s success story: I have bought a newAT Maxmetal detector for my daughter's birthday for us to go metal detecting together. After trying it out in the front lawn and finding a hand full of coins, I was so impressed with the performance and wireless technology that I liked it so much and immediately got one for myself. I use it every weekend, tearing up my wife's lawn. I have found many items with this detector including old and modern coins, gold rush belt buckles, and other treasures.

However, my best find was when my brother and I were metal detecting last week in gold country. After hiking for miles and not finding much, I heard a good ping and starting digging. I had pulled from the ground a 1852 Wass Molitor and Co. 10 dollar gold piece that was at a depth of 8 inches. I was so excited that I could not control myself. After sharing my discovery with my neighbor, he ran out and bought anAT Maxfor himself, and I am getting a newAT Goldfor my birthday, and am so excited. Thank you Garrett.

Kevin B.WINSanACE 300Metal Detector!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE 300 or ACE 300i! You could be the next winner!