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My International Favorite Find for October 2021 is theGold Roman Aureus coin, found by Ruslan S. from Europe with hisAT Pro.

Ruslan’s story: Garrett THE BEST! Hello dear and beloved Garrett’s company! I want to share with you my recent find! My GarrettAT Profound my first Roman gold coin in early October! It was a clear and warm autumn day. I went on a picnic with the family. I also took a metal detector with me. And as it turned out - not in vain! After walking along the neighboring field for only about ten minutes, myAT Procaught a weak signal underground. A couple of seconds later, a coin fell out of the breast of the earth - an Aureus - 2-3 century BC! When I rubbed it, I just couldn’t believe my eyes! Yes! Yes! Yes! This is a great find! I was immensely happy that day! Thanks Garrett!

Ruslan S.WINSanACE Apexmetal detector.CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex metal detector. You could be the next winner! Submit your story and photos!