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My International Favorite Find for August 2021 is the17th Century Copper Coins Hoard, discovered by Andrey F. from Europe with hisAce 400i.

Andrey’s success story: The best day of the passing summer. The usual hot weekend in August did not bode well for anything unexpected. I sat on the veranda drinking my morning coffee. Suddenly my friend called. Two hours later, sweating under the last rays of the setting summer sun, we made our way with metal detectors along the vast harvested wheat field. Suddenly, there was a loud bell sound on my GarrettACE 400i. After sweeping the coil at different angles, I realized that there was something interesting underground! Yes! Love that Garrett bell trill! I started digging. A silhouette of my comrade could be seen in the distance.

Having dug a hole deep into the bayonet of a shovel, the signal became even clearer and stronger! Here’s another half-bayonet, and the shovel hit some kind of vessel! Only one thought flashed through my head - this is a treasure!! And so it was! Yeees! I carefully began to rip up the ground around the find. From the pit, the outlines of a not small clay pot were already visible. It took my breath away. My heart sank, caught my breath a little, and pounded in my chest again. From a pit about 20 inches deep I took out a medieval pot stuffed to the top with 17th century fine copper coins !! This moment cannot be conveyed in words! The feeling of indescribable euphoria, joy, happiness and pride in my favorite metal detector overwhelmed my soul of a search engine on that wonderful day! Garrett!

Thank you for your reliable and so beloved devices! I’m happy :)

The hoard of coins was donated to the Poltava Museum of Local Lore.

Andrey F.WINSanACE ApexMetal Detector!CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector! You could be the next winner! Submit your story.