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My International Favorite Find for January 2021 is the17th Century Silver Hoard, found by Denis P. from Europe with hisAT Pro.

Denis’s success story: Hello dear Garrett company! I want to share with you my new find. Exactly on New Year’s Eve, my GarrettAT Profound five 17th century silver coins. In the forest, the ground was a little frozen, but it was possible to dig. Hearing an interesting signal, I peeled off the top layer of the earth, and several coins appeared to me. I returned two days later, hoping to find more. And that day I was lucky! Digging a little deeper, I came across a pot filled with coins mixed with earth. There were a lot of them! A real treasure! Having done my best, I dug out 2,570 silver coins. And I hope there are more in that place! After cleaning, the coins with the pot will be transferred to the local city museum. He who seeks will find!!!

Yours faithfully,
Denis P.

Denis P.WINSanACE ApexMetal Detector!CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector! You could be the next winner! Submit your story.