Favorite Finds - International


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My International Favorite Find for October 2021 is theGold Roman Aureus coin, found by Ruslan S. from Europe with hisAT Pro.

Ruslan’s story: Garrett THE BEST! Hello dear and beloved Garrett’s company! I want to share with you my recent find! My GarrettAT Profound my first Roman gold coin in early October! It was a clear and warm autumn day. I went on a picnic with the family. I also took a metal detector with me. And as it turned out - not in vain! After walking along the neighboring field for only about ten minutes, myAT Procaught a weak signal underground. A couple of seconds later, a coin fell out of the breast of the earth - an Aureus - 2-3 century BC! When I rubbed it, I just couldn’t believe my eyes! Yes! Yes! Yes! This is a great find! I was immensely happy that day! Thanks Garrett!

Ruslan S.WINSanACE Apexmetal detector.祝贺你! !
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex metal detector. You could be the next winner! Submit your story and photos!


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我最喜欢的国际找到for September 2021 is theHoard of 17th Century James 1 and Charles 1 Coins, found by Tom B. from the UK with hisAce 250.

Tom’s success story: Hi, I managed to find a soldiers civil war coin hoard with the GarrettAce 250and just wanted to say what a great detector it is. It was 10 gold and 8 silver coins, I was speaking to a guy at Regton's (one of your distributors) at a detecting event and he mentioned to email you. The hoard is mentioned on Regton's website, and few other places online it can be found under Taunton civil war coin hoard. Thanks for your time. Keep up the good work.

From the Somerset County Gazette: Civil War’s soldier’s wages found in Taunton - almost 400 years on. The 18 silver and gold coins uncovered in a garden in Nerrols Farm, Taunton, totaled £5 5s 33⁄4d – 5 1⁄2 months wages for a common soldier in the 17th Century and £450 in today’s value. But the hoard, probably belonging to a Royalist soldier and left during the siege of Taunton in 1645, could fetch thousands of pounds when it is bought by the town’s Museum of Somerset. An inquest, which concluded the coins are treasure, heard how they were found by a young man in October as he took down a tree in his parents’ garden so they could build a workshop. His mother told the hearing in Taunton: “He saw something glistening so he took it out and realised it was a coin. He started to dig deeper and eventually found 18 coins in total.”

The coins – Thirteen from England, four Scotland and one Ireland – date from between 1601 and 1645. It is thought they were possibly stashed in a leather purse, which has since rotted away.

A report from The British Museum says: “The coins belong to the reigns of James I and Charles I and the period they cover and the denominations present are very similar to many other recorded coin hoards from the mid- 17th Century, the period of the English Civil War. They are a highly selected group of good condition, high value coins and do not simply reflect the general coinage in circulation at the time.”

Tom B.WINSan ACE Apex Metal Detector!祝贺你! !
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex metal detector. You could be the next winner! Submit your story.


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My International Favorite Find for August 2021 is the17th Century Copper Coins Hoard, discovered by Andrey F. from Europe with hisAce 400i.

Andrey’s success story: The best day of the passing summer. The usual hot weekend in August did not bode well for anything unexpected. I sat on the veranda drinking my morning coffee. Suddenly my friend called. Two hours later, sweating under the last rays of the setting summer sun, we made our way with metal detectors along the vast harvested wheat field. Suddenly, there was a loud bell sound on my GarrettACE 400i. After sweeping the coil at different angles, I realized that there was something interesting underground! Yes! Love that Garrett bell trill! I started digging. A silhouette of my comrade could be seen in the distance.

有挖了一个洞深处推的刺刀l, the signal became even clearer and stronger! Here’s another half-bayonet, and the shovel hit some kind of vessel! Only one thought flashed through my head - this is a treasure!! And so it was! Yeees! I carefully began to rip up the ground around the find. From the pit, the outlines of a not small clay pot were already visible. It took my breath away. My heart sank, caught my breath a little, and pounded in my chest again. From a pit about 20 inches deep I took out a medieval pot stuffed to the top with 17th century fine copper coins !! This moment cannot be conveyed in words! The feeling of indescribable euphoria, joy, happiness and pride in my favorite metal detector overwhelmed my soul of a search engine on that wonderful day! Garrett!

Thank you for your reliable and so beloved devices! I’m happy :)

The hoard of coins was donated to the Poltava Museum of Local Lore.

Andrey F.WINSanACE ApexMetal Detector!祝贺你! !!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector! You could be the next winner! Submit your story.


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My International Favorite Find for July 2021 is thePrague Gross 1300 - 1305, Wenceslaw II, Kingdom of Bohemia Coin, discovered by Petr C. from Europe with hisAT Max.

Petr’s success story: It was the twelfth of January, Christmas was finally over, and in the shop where I work, everything started to calm down at least a little. So I invite a friend from work to the detector and we go through the old carriages above the village. It’s snowing a little, it’s a few inches of snow on the ground and it’s freezing. We leave at 10am, one First Republic crown falls, two buttons, a cartridge case and three grunting savages. It looks miserable, my friend is freezing, so the decision is made to return home. But I still don’t turn off the detector, I don’t want to put up with a lousy treasure hunt.

Ten meters from the road, a double signal at 10 and 15 cm, 76, 78, 86, occasionally hums on the Garrett into the iron. I’m starting to dig, cursing at the supposed shotgun cartridge. It is stupidly traced between the roots. In the premonition of the shotgun, I angrily dig up with pickaxe. And then I dig out another handful of clay with my hand and the head of a lion and a piece of the inscription * GRO * laugh at me from the mud and snow. I just stare quietly and for the next few seconds my brain just doesn’t work. A friend behind me has already understood the critical information and is cursing at me. I’m still staring! I turn the coin and rub it. Only then I really realize what I found!

Petr C.WINSanACE ApexMetal Detector!祝贺你! !
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector! You could be the next winner! Submit your story.


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My International Favorite Find for June 2021 is the set ofThree Gold Sovereigns, discovered by Mick S. from Australia with hisAT-Max.

Mick’s success story: WOW!! The three gold coins I found happened on Sunday, June 12th. It was a awesome day weather wise. I was with a group of 5 other fellow detectorists (4 of them swinging Garretts). There was finds coming out everywhere, a lot of early English coins but also American coins, Californian goldfield buckles, and an American powder flask. Americans featured heavily during the Australian gold rush in the early 1850s.

I was teamed up with a friend who decided to walk left and I went right and as you can imagine straight in to the path of the gold. At first all I seen was one coin flick out of the hole and I knew straight away that it was a gold coin! What I did not know was he had friends and to my amazement there was three all up. The coins where 4 inches down and rang up a 66 signal on theAT MAX. The area I found them in was the Victorian goldfields here in Australia. The coins are British Sovereigns dated 1842, 1844, & 1852. Love your machines hope a new one comes out soon.

Mick S.WINSanACE ApexMetal Detector.祝贺你! !
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex metal detector. You could be the next winner. Submit your story!!!

MAY 2021 WINNER!!!

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我最喜欢的国际找到for May 2021 is theGolden Byzantine Cross, found by Roman Y. from Europe with theAT Max.

Roman’s success story: Garrett the BEST. Good day, dear GARRETT company! I am a longtime fan of your metal detectors. I started my search with the GarrettACE 250and continue with the GarrettAT MAX. On the eve of Victory Day, May 8, I had a day off. I drove out to a field that had been knocked out long ago. Previously, it contained Roman coins and fragments of antique ceramics.

You just won’t believe what I found! After about an hour of searching, I heard a weak, barely audible signal in the headphones! Oh yeah! Great, professional headphones, help you find very interesting targets! I started digging! And suddenly, something yellow appeared from the breast of the earth. It took me a while to realize what it was. But having cleared the find from the ground, my eyes looked at it for a long time and in surprise. Can not be! It’s just magic! Golden Byzantine cross!!! And I found it with GarrettAT MAX! This was the largest find possible in this field! It was a delight!

Thank you, dear Garrett, for unforgettable emotions!

Roman Y.WINSanACE ApexMetal Detector.祝贺你! !
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My second international Favorite Find for May 2021 is theGolden Aureus of Septimius Severus Coin, found by Sergey M. from Europe with theAT Pro.

Sergey’s success story: My first gold coin! Greetings to the wonderful company Garrett! I hasten to share with you my new find! On the first of May, right on International Labor Day, I came across a gorgeous gold coin! After passing the field in length and across, all day long, my dear GarrettAT PROcaught a signal. The coin was not deep from the surface. As it turned out, it was a gold Roman coin! Oh my God! My eyes didn't immediately believe it!

事实证明,这是Septimius Severus(公元193-211)的真正金色金银!相反,他的妻子尤利亚·唐纳(Yulia Domna)的肖像。找到这样的发现,情绪就消失了!!!很多年来,还有足够的灵感!谢谢加勒特!忠实,谢尔盖。

Sergey M.WINSanACE ApexMetal Detector.祝贺你! !
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector! You could be the next winner. Submit your story.


Viking Hoard
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My International Favorite Find for April 2021 is theViking Hoard, found by Kath G. from the U.K. with theAT Pro.

Kath’s success story: I have been detecting for around three and a half years and on 2nd December 2020 I was out detecting when I uncovered the most fantastic huge Viking period brooch and Gold Arm Ring whilst using my GarrettAT Prowith NEL Tornado coil.

I uncovered one of the terminals first and then moved on recovering the brooch and arm ring. Over a small area I recovered the remainder of the items which contains several arm rings which have been separated in antiquity.

我知道当我发现很特别的东西oved the soil away from one of the terminals of the brooch, but then I found parts of the pin, the hoop and underneath, the gorgeous gold arm-ring. I knew straight away that it was a significant and exciting find. I’m so thrilled to have found artefacts that are not only so important, but so beautiful!

I am relatively new to detecting but enjoy it enormously. I love myAT Proand have submitted this to show detectorists what wonderful things are out there waiting to be found. For those who are digging lead, pipe, cans, and ring pulls, keep it up, be patient, and you will be rewarded.

Kath G.WINSanACE ApexMetal Detector.祝贺你! !
下个月,沃恩将放弃Ace Apex。您可能会成为下一个赢家。提交你的故事!


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My International Favorite Find for March 2021 is the hoard of沙皇尼古拉斯二世的15枚金币, found by Anatoly O. from Europe with hisAT Pro.

Anatoly’s success story: Hello dear Garrett company! I want to show and tell about my first treasure. It all started with the fact that on my birthday, March 8, I decided to go dig. I found a place where a merchant once lived. I took my GarrettAT Pro金属探测器和开车。这个地方很littered with modern rubbish. After signals from several cans, I got a great signal. Having dug up and saw another can, I already decided to go home. But on this jar, the patterns caught my eye. Looking closer, I realized that it was nothing more than a silver glass at the top, sealed with a silver pile with brands. The manufacturer’s brands have confirmed my guess - silverware from the Tsarist period of the 19th century! The glass was filled with a pile, and my imagination ran wild. Signals were still coming from this pit. In the end, I took out four more silver piles and a silver stand. In the end, I decided to open this glass. What I saw there made my heart pound in my chest! GOLD! GOLD! Result: a silver glass, stand, 5 piles, 15 gold coins of Tsar Nicholas II in denominations of 5 and 10 rubles (1896-1900). Thank you Garrett for the miracles you can allow us with your devices! It was a beautiful day!

Anatoly O.WINSanACE ApexMetal Detector.祝贺你! !
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector. Send in your story! You could be the next winner.


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My International Favorite Find for February 2021 is theHoard of 54 Silver Roman Denarii, found by Maxim R. from Europe with hisAce 400i.

Maxim’s success story: Greetings to Garrett! My story is about how on February 14, Valentine’s Day, I discovered my first treasure. I arrived at the search field at about 9 am. After inserting new batteries into my beloved Garrett400i, I decided to walk for a couple of hours. For an hour of searching, I came across a lot of garbage and the land did not bode well for anything interesting. But suddenly, the bell rang out that there is a relic! Oh yeah! These signals are what I love to dig! Ding, ding, ding! My Garrett was signaling non-ferrous metal clearly! Excitement seized me! Unfolding a lump of earth with a shovel, several coins jumped out to meet me! Blimey! I continued swinging the coil over the hole. The signals did not stop! My heart fluttered with joy! As a result, 54 silver Roman Denarii were found. Despite almost two thousand years, these coins lay in the ground, they are not badly preserved. It was a great holiday! More such finds :) Thank you, Garrett!

Maxim R.WINSanACE APEXmetal detector.祝贺你! !!
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My Second International Favorite Find for February 2021 is the107 BC. Roman Silver Dinar, found by Emily S. from Europe with herAce 250.

Hubert’s success story: Dear Garrett Team. With this mail we would like to provide the following find from our daughter. Emily (11 years) is owner of the GarrettAce 250since 1 year and a big fan of her new hobby. Over the past months she already detected more than 100 coins: Kreuzer, Reichspfenning, Heller. One of her greatest favorite finds is the Silver Dinar from around 107 BC. We thank you and send you our best regards! Hubert and Emily S.

Emily S.WINSanACE APEXmetal detector.祝贺你! !
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex metal detector! You could be the next winner. Submit your story!


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My International Favorite Find for January 2021 is the17th Century Silver Hoard, found by Denis P. from Europe with hisAT Pro.

Denis’s success story: Hello dear Garrett company! I want to share with you my new find. Exactly on New Year’s Eve, my GarrettAT Profound five 17th century silver coins. In the forest, the ground was a little frozen, but it was possible to dig. Hearing an interesting signal, I peeled off the top layer of the earth, and several coins appeared to me. I returned two days later, hoping to find more. And that day I was lucky! Digging a little deeper, I came across a pot filled with coins mixed with earth. There were a lot of them! A real treasure! Having done my best, I dug out 2,570 silver coins. And I hope there are more in that place! After cleaning, the coins with the pot will be transferred to the local city museum. He who seeks will find!!!

Yours faithfully,
Denis P.

Denis P.WINSanACE ApexMetal Detector!祝贺你! !
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector! You could be the next winner! Submit your story.