Viking Hoard
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My International Favorite Find for April 2021 is theViking Hoard, found by Kath G. from the U.K. with theAT Pro.

Kath’s success story: I have been detecting for around three and a half years and on 2nd December 2020 I was out detecting when I uncovered the most fantastic huge Viking period brooch and Gold Arm Ring whilst using my GarrettAT Prowith NEL Tornado coil.

I uncovered one of the terminals first and then moved on recovering the brooch and arm ring. Over a small area I recovered the remainder of the items which contains several arm rings which have been separated in antiquity.

I knew I had found something very special when I moved the soil away from one of the terminals of the brooch, but then I found parts of the pin, the hoop and underneath, the gorgeous gold arm-ring. I knew straight away that it was a significant and exciting find. I’m so thrilled to have found artefacts that are not only so important, but so beautiful!

I am relatively new to detecting but enjoy it enormously. I love myAT Proand have submitted this to show detectorists what wonderful things are out there waiting to be found. For those who are digging lead, pipe, cans, and ring pulls, keep it up, be patient, and you will be rewarded.

Kath G.WINSanACE ApexMetal Detector.CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex. You could be the next winner. Submit your story!